'tapping into the creative process...'
Logo Design
Each end process has its own finishing requirements. Silk screen color separation requires a different finished procedure than laser color print. These are important factors in designing your logo.
In designing your logo, we need to know:
the type of company you are,
what are your existing logo's colors & themes
what type of imagery do you portray to your clients
would you like multiple versions for different uses
do you need your logo to keep consistent between all mediums
Logo Retouch
We can enhance existing logos, or even change part or all of your existing logo based on ideas from above. See these examples: 
Example 1 - McCulloch Station re-color
Example 2 - Dentique retouch re-color
Print Media (Flyers, Posters, Brochures & Business Cards)
Small to medium print runs can be done with basic RGB color print method at local print shops. We can also do large print runs requiring CMYK color process method for larger printing press shops.
Vehicle Logo Design
It is sometimes useful to work one on one with a dedicated graphic designer before and during the creative process to design and print appealing vehicle logos. We are more about producing an excellent product, done efficiently than merely worrying about just getting the job done. We will work one on one with the production company to ensure a quality end product.
Clothing (Silk Screening // Embroidery)
We have the same dedication to quality clothing logo design with the above. Silk screening is a complicated process that requires attention to detail for a quality product.
Custom Wallpaper & Screen Savers
Company inspired Computer Wallpaper & Screen Savers can promote office synergy in the work environment. As well, they can show professionalism when the computers can be seen by your clients, like during meetings with your clients or in the reception areas. |
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